Unsolicited Testimonials for the Physical Reading Focus Cards

“I have used these aids with several students with varying challenges and have seen them increase their ability to realize their potential.”
“I put it (Reading Focus Card) to work immediately because I was following a recipe (it really helped!) I like the longer version, too. It will come in handy when reading certain books. It really is a neat product! It’s so useful to have the two different sizes. I found that I needed both the Model #001 and the #002 to read the Conservationist. However, the #001 was much more suitable for reading the Bible or skimming the Labor Tribune. It definitely helps me focus easier, and I will read more because of this.”
“Thank you so-o-o much. Our 8-year-old started reading right away. The amazing thing is (that) he has Tourette’s, OCD, and Asperger’s Syndrome. He was just not getting the reading. A soon as we got the (Reading Focus) cards, we put them together and WOW! I was amazed at how well he could read. Right away he took off. I cannot thank you enough. Big, big hugs to you!”
“The students with dyslexia whom I work with find these (reading tools) to be very beneficial. I tutor second graders to college students who struggle with dyslexia, and no matter their age, they find your reading tools very useful. I end up having to order more, as the students ask to keep them because they use them so often. In addition, they notice the difference experienced when they are using the reading tools. Thanks again for developing this. It has made a difference with these students!”
“I met you last year at the Homeschool Expo…We spoke about your Reading Focus Cards, and I wanted to once again thank you for this very helpful product. The cards have allowed my daughter to focus her attention on the text rather than getting lost on the page. Her reading has improved, both (in) speed and comprehension, and she actually uses the Reading Focus Cards without prompting from e! Thanks again.”
“We use the cards every day!!! They have also been a big help when he is working with someone besides me. We got an iPad in August, and it has been fantastic for him. Thank you for the websites and the information. Keep up all the great working. It is a blessing to many.”
“The tactile part of the cards helps them (boys) to stop looking at everything but the book… My son has to keep track of where the card is on the paper and that keeps him focused. He likes using the ‘sponge side’ up (the blue side) because ‘it’s soft’ and the black side slides along the paper smoothly. (He has issues with the way a pencil is sharpened or if a marker is dull on the paper. So, this is HUGE for him.)”
“I started using The Reading Focus Card as an aid in my Bible studies and was amazed at what a difference it made. By the end of my reading time, I realized it enabled me to read more verses than I had before and remembered what I read! It greatly helped my study time by allowing me to focus on what I was reading instead of getting distracted by the rest of the chapter. It was possible to read more in a shorter amount of time. At the same time, I was able to better comprehend what was read. Because of this, my understanding of the verses was clearer.”
“Thank you, Joan, for your fantastic product that helps so many!”
“Great for our daughter with ADHD. Faster and more effective reading and decoding—more comprehension. She loves it!”
“We use the cards every day!!! They have also been a big help when he is working with someone besides me. We got an iPad in August, and it has been fantastic for him. Thank you for the websites and the information. Keep up all the great working. It is a blessing to many”
“Thanks, Joan. He (her son) is using it, and it has worked wonders. He is still skipping some words because of convergence but not as badly. He is not skipping lines and losing his place anymore.”
“BTW, my boys are still liking these cards. We even packed them to take them to the hotel with us so they can use while we lay around and get some reading done.”
“I think that the Reading Focus Card is amazing; it helps a whole bunch; it help(ed) me focus on what I was reading and not on the pictures around it. Also, the reading “window” was really helpful. In summary, it is very helpful all around.”
“Your invention of the Reading Focus Cards has been amazing! (Our son) is doing well and is now able to read books and write without the cards for the most part, but we still frequently pull the cards out when we need to isolate information.
Thank you again for, , , your phenomenal products.”
“The Reading Focus Cards help train the reader to read a line at a time with no distractions. Increase your reading speed and your comprehension. I know that is true because it worked for me.”
“I can tell you from first-hand experience how important Joan’s Reading Focus Cards are. Some of my students could just start to read much better using them, helping a great deal to get past their academic frustrations.”
“The Reading Focus Cards changed reading tremendously for 2 of my daughters, both who struggle with dyslexia. After finding the focus cards, my girls enjoy reading and can read independently. We love the Reading Focus Cards…Thank you.”
“I purchased the Reading Focus Cards for my daughter beginning her 6th grade year. By the end of her 6th grade year, she is able to read fluently. She no longer needs the (Reading Focus) cards. She doesn’t have issues staying on the line & so forth. As a result, her reading has improved greatly.”
“My daughter was having trouble with reading comprehension, and I bought a Reading Focus Card to help. In the end, she (had) vision problems that we hadn’t suspected. She is now in vision therapy and continues to use her Reading Focus Card both in therapy and in doing her schoolwork. As a result, it has been a wonderful tool to help reduce her eye strain. We rely on it daily.”
“Your product has helped in so many ways. Thank you for making it easier for our daughter to read. I found you on my wife’s (Facebook) page…”
“Thank you for the Reading Focus Cards. The students have chosen their colors, and each day when they come in to read, it’s the first thing they reach for!”
“Just a short note to say how pleased I have been with the Reading Focus Cards. My son’s reading is so much more fluent using these cards. We both love them.”
“I think this is a wonderful tool! The kids were so excited to use it, and it was amazing to watch their speed of reading improve immediately!”
“I met you at the Vision Conference in Springfield and purchased the Reading Focus Cards for my daughter with ADHD. I must tell you this. She came home yesterday with a reading comprehension test from school with a 100%!!! When asked if she used her tools when she took the test, she said “no.” However, she did say that she had been using it for other times in the classroom and thinks it helps her focus! This is the first perfect reading comprehension score this year!!! You should have seen the proud look on her face! In summary, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me at the conference.”
“My son has been using the cards for a little over a week now and is loving them. The school only had yellow filters as an option. Surprisingly, it turns out the blue ones are the best for him. Thank you so much for a quality product!”
“She (student) always had it (Reading Focus Card) with her. Prior to the tool’s use, she always wanted to read LAST. NOW, she wants to be the FIRST to read in class.”
“For the students who definitely needed it, they used it a lot.”
“The Reading Focus Card helped him (student, age 7) focus on words rather than on pictures, etc.”
“My boys love their Reading Focus Cards. I want to share that joy!”
“Thank you so much, Mrs. Brennan. My daughter is using her focus card and likes it very much!”
“I liked the colored filters on them. It made everything easy and fun to read.”
“I noticed a strong improvement in …my reading focus and comprehension.”
“Thank you for the colorful windows.”
One parent’s letter about her sons’ experiences with the Reading Focus Cards:
“He (younger son) is still loving it. He likes the feel of the card, and he likes it when I hold it to read aloud to him. He says it makes the words light up like on Between the Lions TV show or on StarFall.com. By the way, he picked (the) yellow (filter). It helps him follow along with me when I’m reading.
In addition, our older son still wants one for the computer… He picked the dark blue (filter). He likes the longer one (Reading Focus Card), although he has been known to ‘steal’ his brother’s (shorter RFC) for his novels because it’s smaller and fits on those pages better.
I think with Aspies (children with Asperger’s) and issues with peripheral vision, they (Reading Focus Cards) help make the words focus, and it stops the boys from skipping lines. (One son often misses questions in his assignments from his tracking issues.) It just helps the words ‘pop out’.
Both my boys are ‘fiddlers’ and study better when they have a squishy ball or something like that to fiddle with. Because of this, the card gives something for their hands to do at the same time it helps their tracking issues.”
– Jen B.
Homeschool parent of 2 sons—London, ON
Unsolicited Testimonials for the Reading Focus Cards Desktop App

“The Reading Focus Cards desktop app is a real lifesaver for me!”
“I love this (app)! You did a fantastic job. It works perfectly.”
“I always like to use mine (Reading Focus Cards desktop app) as I balance my checkbook with the online bank statement! Works perfectly!”
“THANKS! The Reading Focus Cards app works BETTER than “SUPER”! Needed this…25 years ago when in high school!”
“I am so excited to find this app for screen work! As a tutor of students with dyslexia, I am already using your physical focus cards, but I didn’t realize that you have a digital version. This is so versatile, since the size and colors can be modified…Tried the digital version with a student last night, and it was very friendly to use…I read an article about your work on Understood.com, which referenced these cards. Thanks for your work on behalf of those with reading struggles!”