What We Do
Our Tools & Services Improve Reading & Learning for ALL Ages!
Our tools & services improve reading & learning for you! Established in 2007, Brennan Innovators’ mission is to provide tools and services to improve reading and learning for ALL individuals. We provide teachers, students, parents, medical professionals and others with tools and services for more reading success. The company’s high-quality reading tools and professional educational services have helped thousands of readers in all age and ability groups. We have the unique tools and services to improve reading and learning for you!
Company founder and CEO, Joan M. Brennan, is a certified educator (State of Missouri) and creator of the patented Reading Focus Cards handheld tools and digital apps. These reading aids grew out of the needs in her own middle-school classroom where a significant number of her students struggled to read for a variety of reasons.
Manufactured in the U.S. since 2007, the Reading Focus Cards continue to help thousands of individuals of all ages both in the U.S. and around the world to improve their reading and learning.

What We Provide
Our Unique Tools Improve Reading & Learning in 2 Ways
Brennan Innovators’ tools improve reading and learning for students, teachers, medical professionals & others for more reading success. Here’s how our products help many readers:
1. The handheld Reading Focus Cards (U.S. Patent 7,565,759) help users focus & read physical books, worksheets & documents more easily & effectively.
2. The Reading Focus Cards app (U.S. Patent 8,360,779) for Mac & PC helps users read digital media more comfortably & productively—both ONLINE or OFFLINE.
The combination of these 2 types of tools comprises a comprehension system of solutions for readers of all ages. These are practical reading and learning tools that help children, teens and adults focus and read better. The tools can be especially helpful for those challenged with learning disabilities and differences such as ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, autism spectrum disorders, low vision, stroke recovery or TBI issues as well as other conditions.
Our Unique Services Improve Reading & Learning for ALL Learners!
In addition, professional development services are prepared and provided by experienced educators:
1. Private consultation available for parents, teachers, schools & other adults.
2. Professional educational development presentations & workshops can be scheduled.
Titles Include:
- Differentiated Instruction on a Small Budget
- How to Meet the Needs of the Gifted or Twice-Exceptional (2e) Student
- Meeting the Needs of Your Challenged Students (Strategies for LD)
Other Topics Available:
- Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADHD/ADD)
- Dyslexia and other reading challenges
- Autism-spectrum disorders
- How Challenged Learners Can Excel with Hands-on STEM Activities
- Other challenges with focus and concentration
- OR topics can be customized for your specific faculty or group
Helpful information online or by phone via 314-892-3897 for parents, students, educators, and others.