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Who can benefit from using the Reading Focus Cards?

I put it (Reading Focus Card) to work immediately because I was following a recipe (it really helped!) I like the longer version, too. It will come in handy when reading certain books. It really is a neat product! It’s so useful to have the two different sizes. I found that I needed both the Model #001 and the #002 to read the Conservationist, but the #001 was much more suitable for reading the Bible or skimming the Labor Tribune. It definitely helps me focus easier, and I will read more because of this.
Thank you so-o-o much. Our 8 year old started reading right away. The amazing thing is (that) he has Tourette’s, OCD, and Asperger’s Syndrome. He was just not getting the reading. A soon as we got the (Reading Focus) cards, we put them together and WOW! I was amazed at how well he could read. Right away he took off. I cannot thank you enough. Big, big hugs to you!
The students with dyslexia whom I work with find these (reading tools) to be very beneficial. I tutor second graders to college students who struggle with dyslexia, and no matter their age, they find your reading tool very useful. I end up having to order more, as the students ask to keep them because they use them so often & notice the difference they experience when they are using the reading tool. Thanks again for developing this. It has made a difference with these students!
I have used these aids with several students with varying challenges and have seen them increase their ability to realize their potential.

Brennan Innovators was established because…
Many readers need tools and resources to help them focus and read better. Brennan Innovators provides them for readers of ALL ages and abilities. In particular, the company’s resources have been very beneficial to readers with dyslexia, ADHD, and other reading challenges.
Tools and strategies for ALL readers since 2007
Joan M. Brennan, creator of the evidence-based Reading Focus Cards tools (U.S. Patents 7,565,759 and 8,360,779), specializes in helping readers of ALL ages. Since 2007, she and her company, Brennan Innovators, have provided effective, brain-training tools and strategies to improve reading success for all ages and abilities. As a result, the Reading Focus Cards continue to be used by readers in the U.S. and around the globe.
How it all began
These multisensory reading aids grew out of the need in Mrs. Brennan’s classroom where her students struggled daily with a variety of reading and learning challenges (i.e., ADHD, dyslexia, autism and other issues). However, many of her students improved their reading skills with the use of the customizable Reading Focus Cards.