
Overcoming Dyslexia – Revised Edition!


Do you know a dedicated teacher or other adult who would like to help more students who struggle to read with this literacy set?  If not, do you have a friend or relative of a child with reading challenges?  This Dyslexia Literacy Set could make a difference for readers!  It includes the popular soft-cover book, Overcoming Dyslexia (Revised 2020 Edition), by Dr. Sally Shaywitz.  In addition, a set of 2 tools are enclosed that can help many individuals (of all ages) suspected or diagnosed with dyslexia.  As a result, the components in this Dyslexia Literacy Set can assist teachers or parents in supporting children, teens, and others with dyslexia to help improve reading success. What’s more, confidence and self-esteem will increase, too!

The Dyslexia Literacy Set includes the following:

  1. One (1) copy of the bestselling paperback entitled
    Overcoming Dyslexia (Revised 2020 Edition) by Sally Shaywitz, M.D.
  2. One (1) Reading Focus Card Combo Pack A
  3. Two (2) FREE additional gifts:
    a. List of strategies for challenged readers
    b. Triple-Function Pen (pen, light, & stylus)

ALL 4 items included for ONLY $36.95! (over $45.00 value)

Now FREE Shipping with Orders of $45 or MORE!
(for First Class USPS Shipments in U.S only with $45 subtotal before tax, if applicable)

Yes, we do accept purchase orders and welcome purchases from schools and other organizations. For quantity pricing, please call (314) 892-3897.  To ensure accuracy, please email an official, signed purchase order (via attachment) to [email protected]. Thank you!


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